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There really is a sock monster after all

Socks go into the laundry and then somehow, when it’s time to fold and put them away you discover stragglers with no matching buddy.  They somehow miraculously disappear into the abyss. It’s a recurring problem that so many of us can relate to.

But seriously, where do they go?? And how does your household tackle the sock monster??

Do you…

  1. Put the odd sock off to the side or in a drawer and wait for it to be hopefully reunited with its other half?
  2. Toss it back in the wash hoping its buddy is only one load behind?
  3. Throw it out and make a trip to the shops to buy more?
  4. Keep it for a future fun craft project?

Or do you have another method?  If so, please share, we’d love to hear from you!

The internet is full of tips and tricks for preventing odd socks in your laundry.

The three most common hacks are:

  1. Putting them in a mesh bag or pillow case before washing. Then pop in the laundry to be washed together with rest of the clothes. This prevents the little suckers from playing hide-a-seek in the other clothing items. However this method requires double handling: separating them from the rest of the laundry in order to put them in the bag and then sorting again to match into pairs to put away.
  2. Using sock holders, clips or pins – the idea behind this method is that you pair and secure the socks together before washing.  This is very handy as the socks stay together through the washing and drying cycle but the whole process is very tedious and time consuming.
  3. Balled up sock method is exactly what it sounds like. You pair and tuck the socks together just like how you’d put them away. This is less of a ‘hack’ and more of a ‘cross your fingers and hope for the best’ approach. It is unlikely that socks will even get properly cleaned using this method and you’ll be digging around in your washing mashing machine for these wet balls of cotton.

The main problem I find with all of these approaches is that you are required to separate and sort the socks before actually doing the laundry – and let’s be honest, who has time for that?  It just doesn’t seem realistic to me….

But we at Jim’s Laundry have the best fail-safe hack of all time…..

Only purchase identical socks and then you’ll never have to worry about matching them up ever again. And better yet, it won’t matter if one gets a hole it.  

You’re welcome ????